Encapsulation is one of the fundamental principles of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP). It refers to the bundling of data and methods that operate on that data into a single unit, usually a class.
Concepts of Encapsulation
Public Varaibles
Protected Varaibles
Private Variables
Public variables
Public variables can be accessed and modified from anywhere in the code.
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
# Creating an instance
person1 = Person("Elyon", 22)
# Accessing public variables
# Modifying public variables
person1.age = 23
Protected Varaibles
Protected variables are indicated with a single underscore _variable
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand, speed):
self._brand = brand
self._speed = speed
car = Car("Toyota", 120)
print(car._brand) # This will be technically accessible, but should be used carefully
Private Variables
Private variables are indicated with a double underscore __variable
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand, speed):
self.__brand = brand
self.__speed = speed
car = Car("Toyota", 120)
# print(car.__brand) # This will raise an AttributeError
Methods in Encapsualtion
Public Methods
Protected Methods
Private Methods
Public Methods
Public methods can be accessed from outside the class.
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand, speed):
self.brand = brand
self.speed = speed
def display_info(self):
return f"Car Brand: {self.brand}, Speed: {self.speed} km/h"
car = Car("Toyota", 120)
print(car.display_info()) # Public method accessible from outside
Private Methods
Private methods are declared using double underscores __method_name
and cannot be accessed directly outside the class.
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand, speed):
self.__brand = brand
self.__speed = speed
def __secret_info(self):
return "This is a private method"
car = Car("Toyota", 120)
# print(car.__secret_info()) # This will raise an AttributeError
Protected Methods
Protected methods use a single underscore _method_name
and are meant to be used within the class and its subclasses.
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand, speed):
self._brand = brand
self._speed = speed
def _display_protected_info(self):
return f"Protected method: {self._brand}, {self._speed} km/h"
car = Car("Toyota", 120)
print(car._display_protected_info()) # Can be accessed but not recommended
How we use a getter and setter
Getters and setters are used to access and modify private attributes indirectly, maintaining encapsulation.
class Car:
def __init__(self, brand, speed):
self.__brand = brand
self.__speed = speed
def get_brand(self): # Getter method
return self.__brand
def set_speed(self, new_speed): # Setter method
if new_speed > 0:
self.__speed = new_speed
print("Speed must be positive")
car = Car("Toyota", 120)
print(car.get_brand()) # Accessing private variable using getter
car.set_speed(150) # Modifying private variable using setter
Encapsulation is an essential concept in OOP that enhances data security and modularity in software development. By using public, protected, and private variables and methods, along with getters and setters, developers can create well-structured and maintainable code.